Welcome to the Ministerial Alliance of Pauls Valley

Here you'll find information about our member churches, our programs to help the community, and other news and events.

Friday, March 7, 2025

March Gathering

Every fifth Sunday, the Ministerial Alliance church gather together for worship and fellowship. We call this the Gathering. This month, on Sunday, March 30, at 6:00pm, we will gather at the First Church of God. We're told the church is providing light snacks or deserts to brighten our eyes as we share in fellowship after the service. We hope to see you there.

Regular Community Feed at Ekklesia

Every fourth Saturday at 5:00pm, the Ekkesia Church hosts a community meal. All are welcome to come and break bread together, the church also takes meals to shut-ins. We hope to see you there.

Men's Breakfast opportunities

There are a variety of opportunities for men's breakfasts around Pauls Valley and a few are at our Ministerial Alliance churches.

We hope to see you there.

Church of the Nazarene

The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the classical Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. We believe in one God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are a sent people, responding to the call. Join our community of Christians called by God to a life of holy living. In Pauls Valley, you can join us for Sunday School at 9:45am and worship at 10:45am every Sunday.

Pastor Claude Ledbetter

Church of the Nazarene (map)
224 N Pecan St.
Pauls Valley, OK 73075


Visit our Facebook Page.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Valentine’s Day Program at the First Christian Church

The public is cordially invited to join us on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. for a Valentine’s Day Program at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) located at 300 N. Ash St. in Pauls Valley.

Dick McClain and his singing group will be providing a lovely musical program that is sure to be enjoyed by all.

Please join us!

Save the dates: Ash Wednesday, Holy Week Services

Lent is a time of penitance and introspection starting on Ash Wednesday and going through Easter. The First Christian Church, the First Presbyterian Church, and the First United Methodist Church of Pauls Valley traditionally share hosting community worship services for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Save the dates for these meaningful worship services around lent. All services start at 6:00pm.

  • Ash Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Ash Wednesday starts Lent with a traditional imposition of Ashes (marking worshippers' faces or hands wit a cross drawn in ash). This year, the First United Methodist Church is hosting our community Ash Wednesday service with the theme, "Anticipation of being a good Christian."
  • Maundy Thursday: Thursday, April 17, 2025. Maundy Thursday is the night Jesus ate his last supper with his disciples. "Maundy" comes from the word Mandate, when Jesus gave us the mandate to "Love one another as I have loved you." This year, the First Presbyterian Church will host a meditative communion service with music from the Taize Community in France.
  • Good Friday: Friday, April 18, 2025. Good Friday is the day Christians remember Jesus' crucifixion and death. "Good" comes from a time when the word also meant "Holy." This year, the First Christian Church hosts this solemn worship service.

Mark these dates on your calendar and frame your Lenten season with these meaningful worship services in our community.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024