Welcome to the Ministerial Alliance of Pauls Valley

Here you'll find information about our member churches, our programs to help the community, and other news and events.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

First United Methodist Church

At the Pauls Valley First United Methodist Church we are a United Methodist community seeking to connect with others who are looking for a spiritual guidance and support. Sunday Schools - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 11:00. We are kid friendly:
- Cub and Boys Scouts
- Women’s Group focused on missions local and abroad
- New Operation School Snack ministry to help offset teachers expenses for student snacks
- New Children's Church and camps for kids
- PV Youth meet every Sunday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 (entrance on Rennie Street).

Rev. Dr. Jaiseong Pi

Adress (map):
401 N Willow St.
Pauls Valley, Oklahoma 73075

Phone: 405-238-3354

Check us out on Facebook at Pauls Valley First United Methodist Church