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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Ministerial Alliance Youth Fund

M.A.Y. is the acronym for Ministerial Alliance Youth. The M.A.Y. Fund is supported by donations from Ministerial Alliance churches and its purpose is to help youth in Pauls Valley. We focus on two different ways to help.

Early in the school year we find out how many high school youth are either homeless or displaced by not living in their parental home. In December we give the high school counselor enough funds for each displaced child to have $50.00 at Christmas.

In the spring the money in the M.A.Y. fund is given as college scholarships. The students must apply through the high school counselor…the applications are reviewed by a pastoral committee which also decides who will receive them. The number of scholarships and the amount of them is determined by the amount of money in the fund at the time.