Welcome to the Ministerial Alliance of Pauls Valley

Here you'll find information about our member churches, our programs to help the community, and other news and events.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

WEATHER CHANGES: National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is the first Thursday of May each year. Here in Pauls Valley, the Ministerial Alliance is participating by leading a National Day of Prayer prayer service at the bandstand in Wacker park. The service has been moved from the bandstand to the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church. Join us in unity to pray for:

  • the Church
  • families
  • education
  • businesses and the workplace
  • the military
  • the government
  • arts, entertainment, andthe media

This year the service is on Thursday, May 2, and starts at 6:00 and lasts about an hour.

Friday, April 19, 2024

FBC Men's Breakfast

The First Baptist Church of Pauls Valley would like to invite you to a ben's breakfast on Saturday, April 20, at 8:00AM. If you haven't met the new pastor, Keith Weldon, yet this is a great opportunity.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Ministerial Alliance Youth Fund

M.A.Y. is the acronym for Ministerial Alliance Youth. The M.A.Y. Fund is supported by donations from Ministerial Alliance churches and its purpose is to help youth in Pauls Valley. We focus on two different ways to help.

Early in the school year we find out how many high school youth are either homeless or displaced by not living in their parental home. In December we give the high school counselor enough funds for each displaced child to have $50.00 at Christmas.

In the spring the money in the M.A.Y. fund is given as college scholarships. The students must apply through the high school counselor…the applications are reviewed by a pastoral committee which also decides who will receive them. The number of scholarships and the amount of them is determined by the amount of money in the fund at the time.

City of Pauls Valley Community Easter Egg Hunt

The Pauls Valley Ministerial Alliance partners with the City’s Recreation Department to make the egg hunt happen every spring. We fill hundreds of eggs to supplement what the recreation department buys so that there are plenty of eggs to hunt. Led by the First Church of God we also give out free hotdogs, chips and water to anyone and everyone after the egg hunt is over and the prizes have been awarded.

National Day of Prayer

The first Thursday in May every year is the National Day of Prayer. The Ministerial Alliance has a brief praise and prayer time at Wacker Park in the evening for the community. Each participating pastor prays for one of the listed prayer needs: schools, medical community, government, churches, families, and the business community. Since it is held at the park everyone can bring lawn chairs and the service is completely non-denominational.

Community Thanksgiving Service

The Ministerial Alliance presents a Thanksgiving Service on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving every year. One church volunteers to host the service but the speaker is always from another church. An offering is taken at the service. Past recipients include the Pauls Valley Samaritans, the Salvation Army, and the Ministerial Alliance Benevolent Fund. There is usually fellowship after the service.

Samaritan Sunday

On the last Sunday in September most Ministerial Alliance churches take up a special offering to benefit the Pauls Valley Samaritan food pantry. They also collect non-perishable food items and canned goods.